Users will notice that that VSX plugin automatically reduces volume when initiating it. This is done in order to give more headroom for some of the more bass-heavy emulations, as these already boost volume due to their nature. Without the volume reduction, these room emulations would likely clip mixes that are peaking close to 0DB.
Users can compensate for this volume reduction by using the "Bypass Make-up Gain" and "Output Level" knobs in the VSX plugin.
Using the Bypass Make-up Gain knob, users can adjust the level when the Bypass button in VSX is engaged (used when wanting to compare the dry mix to the virtual spaces). If desired, users can adjust this knob so that their mix hits at the same level when as it did pre-VSX, when the Bypass button is engaged. The best option is to use the Headphone Amp Gain knob on the Audio Interface, but be sure to turn the Headphone amp down when bypassing the VSX plugin.
NOTE: When bypassing the VSX plug-in, always make sure to use the "Bypass" button in the VSX plug-in rather than your DAW's plug-in bypass, to prevent a massive jump in gain.
On the other hand, the Output Level knob lets you adjust the VSX-processed level. This knob allows between -18dB to +12 dB adjustments.
Users can use this knob to adjust their monitoring level when VSX is engaged, to taste. However, please make sure that your output gain doesn't cause VSX to clip, when using the more bass-heavy emulations.
NOTE: On export, your mix will stay at its pre-VSX processed levels, whether or not you bypass before exporting.
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